Clothes Kit This code gives you a bunch of good clothes to help you along your way. Don' t use this code with the Weapon, Sheild, or Item Kit codes! 95177040DAB67E1E 8325B3D27E9769B6. Breath of Fire IV Playstation Thought You Were Done?: After you beat the game save the game (it lets you) then go to the abandoned village (where all the little god invokers ran before getting. First, go to an item shop and store ALL of your money. Then, go to a town that has really cheap weapons for sale in the weapon shop. Make sure you h., Breath of Fire Gameboy Advance.
The following are known Game Genie Codes for Breath of Fire on Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES).
- Create A New Character That Starts At Level 5
D9BF-CD69 - Create A New Character That Starts With 153 Max H.P.
BBBF-CFD9 - Create A New Character That Starts With 153 H.P.
BBBF-CF69 - Create A New Character That Starts With 20 Max A.P.
F0BF-C4D9 - Create A New Character That Starts With 20 A.P.
F0BF-C469 - Create A New Character That Starts With INT. At 22
F1B4-CD09 - Create A New Character That Starts With Agility At 22
F1B4-CD69 - Create A New Character That Starts With Fate At 40
46B4-CFD9 - Create A New Character That Starts With Strength At 50
74BF-C7A9 - Create A New Character That Starts With Vigor At 50
74B4-CDD9 - Invincibility
60AE-C46A - Sell Items for Lots of Money
Note: If you go over 65,535, it will start over from 0. You can put money in the bank though to keep getting more. - Almost Infinite Money
DEE1-C7F3 - Multiply Money When Buying Items
Note: Turn this code off when selling items. - 9999 Exp Per Battle
336F-172D - 999 Max Hp After Any Level Up Hero
FB23-CFAA - 999 Max Ap After Any Level Up Hero
EE20-376A - Infinite Usable Items In Menu
DEEE-C0B4 - No Random Battles
022F-C748 - Almost All Dragon Forms
Note: You will receive all forms except the final form. (Agni) - Walk Thru Walls
Note: Only use this in town and dungeons. Turn this off when you are on the world map. - Start With Controller 2 Debugger
Uses- Debug Commands (Use these from controller 2)
- Walk Through Walls Enable/Disable: ‘Y’
- Turbo Speed Enable/Disable: ‘B’
- No Encounters Enable/Disable: (Up)
- Enter/Exit Encounter: ‘X’ (Lets you instantly win fights, and exit battles after you die)
- Change Encounter: ‘A’
- Position Display Enable/Disable: (Right) (Talk to someone or hit the save button to stop showing it)
- Save button: (Start)
- Display Area Number Temporarily: (Select)
- Display Speech Number Enable/Disable: (Down) (Change Areas to disable display)
- Speech Speedup Enable/Disable: (Left)
- Infinite HP (Hero)
EEBF-CFD9 - 65,535 HP For The HERO When He First Starts Out
EEBF-CFO9 - Infinite AP (Hero)
EEBF-C4D9 - 65,535 AP For The HERO When He First Starts Out
EEBF-C4O9 - Change Weapons In The Beginning (Hero)
??B7-CFD9 - Change Armor In The Beginning (Hero)
??B7-CDD9 - Hero Starts With 255 Max HP
EEBF-CFD9 - Hero Starts With 300 Max HP
EEBF-CF09 - Hero Starts With 999 Max HP
D7BF-CF09 - Hero Starts With 255 Present HP
EEBF-CF69 - Hero Starts With 300 Present HP
EEBF-CFA9 - Hero Starts With 999 Present HP
D7BF-CFA9 - Hero Starts With 255 Max AP
EEBF-C4D9 - Hero Starts With 280 Max AP
EEBF-C409 - Hero Starts With 999 Max AP
D7BF-C409 - Hero Starts With 255 Present AP
EEBF-C469 - Hero Starts With 280 Present AP
EEBF-C4A9 - Hero Starts With 999 Present AP
D7BF-C4A9 - Hero Starts With 255 Exp
EEBF-C7D9 - Hero Starts With 65,280 Exp
EEBF-C709 - Hero Starts With 6,711,680 Exp
EEBF-C769 - Hero Starts With 255 Strength and 260 Attack
EEBF-C7A9 - Hero Starts With 255 Vigor and 264 Defense
EEB4-CDD9 - Hero Starts With 255 Wisdom and 255 Intelligence
EEB4-CD09 - Hero Starts With 255 Agility, 250 Act, and 71 Magic
EEB4-CD69 - Hero Starts With 255 Luck and 255 Fate
EEB4-CFD9 - Change The Item Equipped In The Hero’s Armor Slot
??B7-CDD9 - Change The Item Equipped In The Hero’s Shield Slot
??B7-CD69 - Change The Item Equipped In The Hero’s Weapon Slot
??B7-CFD9 - Change The Item Equipped In The Hero’s Helm Slot
??B7-CF69 - Infinite HP (Nina)
EEB5-CFD9 - 65,535 HP For Nina When She First Starts Out
EEB5-CFO9 - Infinite AP (Nina)
EEB5-C4D9 - 65,535 AP For Nina When She First Starts Out
EEB5-C4O9 - Nina Starts With 255 Max HP
EEB5-CFD9 - Nina Starts With 316 Max HP
EEB5-CF09 - Nina Starts With 999 Max HP
D7B5-CF09 - Nina Starts With 255 Present HP
EEB5-CF69 - Nina Starts With 316 Present HP
EEB5-CFA9 - Nina Starts With 999 Present HP
EEB5-CFA9 - Nina Starts With 255 Max AP
EEB5-C4D9 - Nina Starts With 325 Max AP
EEB5-C409 - Nina Starts With 999 Max AP
EEB5-C409 - Nina Starts With 255 Present AP
EEB5-C469 - Nina Starts With 325 Present AP
EEB5-C4A9 - Nina Starts With 999 Present AP
EEB5-C4A9 - Nina Starts With 255 EXP
EEB5-C7D9 - Nina Starts With 65420 EXP
EEB5-C709 - Nina Starts With 6711820 EXP
EEB5-C769 - Nina Starts With 255 Strength and 255 Attack
EEB5-C7A9 - Nina Starts With 255 Vigor and 255 Defense
EEB6-CDD9 - Nina Starts With 255 Wisdom, 255 Intelligence, and 247 Magic
EEB6-CD09 - Nina Starts With 255 Agility and 229 Act
EEB6-CD69 - Nina Starts With 255 Luck and 255 Fate
EEB6-CFD9 - Change The Item Equipped In Nina’s Weapon Slot
??BB-CD09 - Change The Item Equipped In Nina’s Shield Slot
??BB-CD69 - Change The Item Equipped In Nina’a Armor Slot
??BB-CFD9 - Change The Item Equipped In Nina’s Helm Slot
??BB-CFA9 - Infinite HP (Bo)
EEB0-CFD9 - 65,535 HP For Bo When He First Starts Out
EEB0-CFO9 - Infinite AP (Bo)
EEB0-C4D9 - 65,535 AP For Bo When He First Starts Out
EEB0-C4O9 - Bo Starts With 263 Max HP
EEB0-CFD9 - Bo Starts With 341 Max HP
EEB0-CF09 - Bo Starts With 999 Max HP
D7B0-CF09 - Bo Starts With 256 Max AP
EEB0-C4D9 - Bo Starts With 300 Max AP
EEB0-C409 - Bo Starts With 999 Max AP
D7B0-C409 - Bo Starts With 255 Vigor and 266 Defense
EEB9-CDD9 - Bo Starts With 255 Wisdom, 255 Intelligence, and 251 Magic
EEB9-CD09 - Bo Starts With 255 Agility and 245 Act
EEB9-CD69 - Bo Starts With 255 Luck and 255 Fate
EEB9-CFD9 - Bo Starts With 255 Strength and 269 Attack
EEB0-C7A9 - Change The Item Equipped In Bo’s Weapon Slot
??B1-CDD9 - Change The Item Equipped In Bo’s Shield Slot
??B1-CDA9 - Change The Item Equipped In Bo’s Armor Slot
??B1-CFD9 - Change The Item Equipped In Bo’s Helm Slot
??B1-CF69 - Infinite HP (Karn)
EEBD-CFD9 - 65,535 HP For Karn When He First Starts Out
EEBD-CFO9 - Infinite AP (Karn)
EEBD-C4D9 - 65,535 AP For Karn When He First Starts Out
EEBD-C4O9 - Infinite HP (Gobi)
EEB2-CFD9 - 65,535 HP For Gobi When He First Starts Out
EEB2-CFO9 - Infinite AP (Gobi)
EEB2-C4D9 - 65,535 AP For Gobi When He First Starts Out
EEB2-C4O9 - Gobi Starts With 255 Max HP
EEB2-CFD9 - Gobi Starts With 370 Max HP
EEB2-CF09 - Gobi Starts With 999 Max HP
D7B2-CF09 - Gobi Starts With 255 Present HP
EEB2-CF69 - Gobi Starts With 370 Present HP
EEB2-CFA9 - Gobi Starts With 999 Present HP
D7B2-CFA9 - Gobi Starts With 255 Max AP
EEB2-C4D9 - Gobi Starts With 328 Max AP
EEB2-C409 - Gobi Starts With 255 Present AP
EEB2-C469 - Gobi Starts With 328 Present AP
EEB2-C4A9 - Gobi Starts With 999 Max AP
D7B2-C4A9 - Gobi Starts With 65372 EXP
EEB2-C709 - Gobi Starts With 6729180 EXP
EEB2-C769 - Gobi Starts With 255 Strength and 267 Attack
EEB2-C7A9 - Gobi Starts With 255 Vigor and 290 Defense
EEB3-CDD9 - Gobi Starts With 255 Wisdom, 255 Intelligence, and 194 Magic
EEB3-CD09 - Gobi Starts With 255 Agility and 240 Act
EEB3-CD69 - Gobi Starts With 255 Luck and 255 Fate
EEB3-CFD9 - Change The Item Equipped In Gobi’s Weapon Slot
??BE-CD09 - Change The Item Equipped In Gobi’s Shield Slot
??BE-CDA9 - Change The Item Equipped In Gobi’s Armor Slot
??BE-CFD9 - Change The Item Equipped In Gobi’s Helm Slot
??BE-CF69 - Infinite HP (Ox)
EEBC-CFD9 - 65,535 HP For Ox When He First Starts Out
EEBC-CFO9 - Infinite AP (Ox)
EEBC-C4D9 - 65,535 AP For Ox When He First Starts Out
EEBC-C4O9 - Ox Starts With 255 Max HP
EEBC-CFD9 - Ox Starts With 448 Max HP
EEBC-CF09 - Ox Starts With 999 Max HP
D7BC-CF09 - Ox Starts With 255 Present HP
EEBC-CF69 - Ox Starts With 448 Present HP
EEBC-CFA9 - Ox Starts With 999 Present HP
D7BC-CFA9 - Ox Starts With 255 Max AP
EEBC-C4D9 - Ox Starts With 310 Max AP
EEBC-C409 - Ox Starts With 999 Max AP
D7BC-C409 - Ox Starts With 255 Present AP
EEBC-C469 - Ox Starts With 310 Present AP
EEBC-C4A9 - Ox Starts With 999 Present AP
D7BC-C4A9 - Ox Starts With 255 Strength and 285 Attack
EEBC-C7A9 - Ox Starts With 255 Vigor and 282 Defense
EEB8-CDD9 - Ox Starts With 255 Wisdom, 255 Intelligence, and 190 Magic
EEB8-CD09 - Ox Starts With 255 Agility and 239 Act
EEB8-CD69 - Ox Starts With 255 Luck and 255 Fate
EEB8-CFD9 - Ox Starts With 6734680 EXP
EEBC-C769 - Change The Item Equipped In Ox’s Weapon Slot
??BA-CD09 - Change The Item Equipped In Ox’s Shield Slot
??BA-CDA9 - Change The Item Equipped In Ox’s Armor Slot
??BA-CFD9 - Change The Item Equipped In Ox’s Helm Slot
??BA-CFA9 - Infinite HP (Bleu)
EEB1-CFD9 - 65,535 HP For Bleu When She First Starts Out
EEB1-CFO9 - Infinite AP (Bleu)
EEB1-C4D9 - 65,535 AP For Bleu When She First Starts Out
EEB1-C4O9 - Infinite HP (Mogu)
EEB7-CFD9 - 65,535 HP For Mogu When He First Starts Out
EEB7-CFO9 - Infinite AP (Mogu)
EEB7-C4D9 - 65,535 AP For Mogu When He First Starts Out
When using the following character codes, be sure for Ryu to use the codes before you start a new game and for the other characters before they join your party. When using the 65,535 HP codes, the HP will read as 535.
Ryu (Main Hero)
Do you know any additional codes for this game? Is there an error listed above? Let us know about it and we’ll update the list.
Code Indexes for Super Nintendo (SNES)
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Use the above links or scroll down see all to the Game Boy Advance cheats we have available for Breath of Fire.
Flying Around
Once you get Nina back, and she can fly, make sure to fly around and go to all the shrines and stuff and find the secret Dragon weapons. It will benefit you!
Raise Nina's Attack
I know that on most of my files Nina ALWAYS isthe one who can do the least. Her attack is VERYlow, and she has no battle spells, so, here aresome tips to raise Nina's attack. When you firstget Nina in Winlan, just go off & battle some ofthe easy enemies, then go into the cave. Then youget the guards, so then every battle's experienceis split into 3. But, find a fairly strong enemy,then make all 3 defend. And try and make theguards die. Heal Nina if she gets hit, don't healthe guards. So now, the 2 guards are dead, andNina collects ALL exp points for every battle, Igot Nina up to Level 11 that way. Then, later inthe game, make sure to equip both Sashs that youfind to raise her attack by 20. Now, Nina shouldhave about 125-150 attack points, sure, it's notgreat, but hey! It's better than Bleu. Or, if youwant, just use nina for healing. It's up to you.
B. Rang
To get the B.Rang you have to get Ox. After you get Ox go back to the Krypt in the desert after getting the icicle. When are in the Krypt you will see this rock that will say break the rock and you can get the B.Rang. So you put Ox in the first position and then you press the A button in front of the rock and you will gain the B.Rang.
Finding C.Fish
Breath Of Fire Gameshark Codes
Go to the third Dragon Shrine and go west to a piece of land sticking out intothe lake. Fish on the very end of it to catch a C.Fish.
Getting The Rod5
With the Sphere, you can also reach Tunlan. Fall down a pit to the left of thevault in the princess's house, then search the box to find the Rod5. This is usedto fish at the wells.
Getting The Tri-rang
The Tri-Rang can be found behind Pagoda after Nina learns how to fly, and beforePagoda has been activated. Search directly behind the twin towers of Pagoda tofind it.
Getting The Emperor Sword
New Game Cheat Code Breath Of Fire Pit
Check by the throne after defeating Jade to discover the Emperor Sword. Searchthe right hand pillar in the same room for the Star Hammer. Use this in combat toproduce the Comet spell effect.
9999 Experience And 9999 Gold
Before battling Jade in Obelisk, he will ask you if you want to join him.Answer 'Yes', and whenever he asks you if you want to change your mind,answer 'No'. Do not push any buttons and he will soon say, 'I'm bored. Entertainme!'. After this, there will be a battle scene. You will fight a D.Flea, a Crab,a Flower, a G.Slime, and finally an M.Slime which, when defeated, will give you9999 experience and 9999 gold.
Chun Li Cameo
When you visit Bleak, go to the boy who thinks he is a magician. He will say 'Puta hundred coins on the table and I will make them disappear'. Agree to hisrequest and wait for him to say 'Look behind you.' Say 'No' twice, thensay 'Yes'. You should see Chun Li practicing her lightning kick.
We have no cheats or codes for Breath of Fire yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no unlockables for Breath of Fire yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
Breath Of Fire 4 Cheats
We have no easter eggs for Breath of Fire yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no glitches for Breath of Fire yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
Created by: Fox White.Read the full guide...