Battle City Tv Game Cheats

Battletech Cheats Add God Mode, Unlimited Money, One-Hit Kill And More

Nintendo Arcade Game Vs. Dualsystem Cocktail Red Tent Super Mario Bros. Excitebike Unisystem - Duration: 4:18. John's Arcade Game Reviews & Tech 21,596 views. Battle City – Cheats Game Boy. Arcade Games FM-7 NES Sharp X1. Log In to add custom notes to this or any other game. Notify me about new: Guides.

The turn-based strategy game Battletech from Paradox Interactive and Harebrained Schemes is out now on PC. The game was funded due to a successful Kickstarter campaign, and has received a solid response from fans on Steam. For those of you wanting to make the game a littler easier, the cheats provided should do just that.

Battletech cheats from

  • No Heat Generation
  • Mega Selected Armor HP
  • Mega Selected System HP
  • Weak Selected Armor HP
  • Weak Selected System HP
  • Allow Select Mech and Lance Over Budget
  • Allow Skirmish Over Budget to Start
  • AI Less Likely to Attack
  • Super Move Distance
  • Buy Item for Unlimited C-Bills
  • Unlimited Upgrade XP
  • 99 Items When Buying Items

There’s a solid selection of cheats here that do very specific things, like debuffing your opponents and having no heat generation. Super move distance is nice to have though, as well as unlimited upgrade XP and 99 items when buying items. However, the next batch of cheats we have for you let you have much more fun with the game.

Battletech cheats from

  • Unlimited Money
  • Low Health
  • God Mode
  • One-Hit Kill

Now that’s more like it! Having God Mode and unlimited money activated should make your time with the game a cakewalk.

Battletech is available now for $39.99 through the Steam Store and The game has received a positive response from fans and critics alike so far, providing a solid throwback experience that longtime strategy gamers should enjoy quite a bit.

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Battle City

Developer: Tomcat System
Publisher: Namco
Platform: NES
Released in JP: September 9, 1985

This game has a hidden developer message.
This game has hidden developer credits.
This game has unused graphics.
This game has unused items.
This game has debugging material.

The NES Battle City is an enhanced port of the arcade game Tank Battalion.

Easter Egg

At the title screen, select 'CONSTRUCTION' on the menu. Press Start on Controller 1 to enter the mode, then press it again to return back to the title screen. Repeat this seven times. After the seventh enter-and-exit, hold Down on Controller 1 and press A eight times on Controller 2. Finally, hold Right on Controller 1 and press B 12 times on Controller 2.

After all of this, press Start on Controller 1 to activate a secret message from a programmer with a little animation.

OPEN-REACH most likely refers to the late Ryoichi Ohkubo. Reach sounds a bit like Ryoichi, as well as Reach and Open being moves in the board game Mahjong.

Memory Watch

Game Genie code IIOKYXAZ enables an in-game memory watch function at the upper side of the screen. It allows you to watch the CPU's zero page memory area, i.e. the first 256 bytes of the RAM. Although there are two three-digit hex numbers, the left one is never used. B and Select increase and decrease the address, respectively.

Pressing A should increase the address by 0x10, but as a side effect of this Game Genie code it instead results in permanent stage completion. There were CHR fonts for the lowercase letters 'a', 'b', 'c', and 'd' after the numbers, but they were rewritten with some other data and only 'e' and 'f' remain. As a result, some numbers are displayed incorrectly.

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Unused Pistol

This powerup is found among the others in the sprite data, although it appears in a pirated/modified version called Tank 1990. This should make you invulnerable to three enemy shots just like the heavy tank, but the helmet is used instead.

Battle City Tv Game Cheats 4

Unused Text

Present near the beginning of the ROM:

Hidden Kanji

Battle City Tv Game Cheats Apk

Present at the end of the PRG-ROM is some small ASCII art. The art has six kanji combined in two groups by three kanji: two small ones at the top, one large one at the bottom of each group. The two groups of kanji read '大久保' ('Ookubo') and '宇田川' ('Utakawa'; can also be read as 'Utagawa', 'Udakawa', or 'Udagawa').

The first one is the last name of the game's programmer, Ookubo Ryouichi, while the second is a street name in Tokyo. At the time of the game's development, Tomcat System had its headquarters in Utakawa. Today, there exists an entertainment complex called the 'NAMCO INTI SHIBUYA'. It could also be Haruhisa Udagawa, who was a developer at Namco.


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